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Kiss Me Out Of Desire Babe, Not Consolation

“Kiss me out of desire babe, not consolation”

Last Goodbye by Jeff Buckley

This is obviously a break up song and during the pain of a break up it’s so easy to lose all sense.

This song has always struck a chord with me and, to me, it is one of the best at describing the loss and sadness at the end of a relationship. The heartbreak is so perfectly captured but this line was always one that hit me hardest.

It takes me back to begging for one last kiss and the acute disappointment when it was reluctantly granted. It was a ‘pity kiss’ and, as the lyric says, a kiss should be fuelled by desire or love, not guilt or consolation.

I think about this line a lot as I never again want to settle for anything less than a ‘proper kiss’, to have the self respect and pride to wait for the real deal. Pity kisses no more!

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